
  • We test routers using the free demo version of Mach3 here. Jog controls work every time.
  • This solution applies to 3040 and 6080 routes, not the 3020.

Introduction / Theory:
  • The larger routers require an extra voltage line to run the stepper drivers correctly. For this reason they come with a USB power lead, which connects from your computer to the socket in the control box.
  • Sometimes the USB sockets on your computer cannot supply the current needed. This causes the voltage in the parallel cable, handling communication with the computer, to run at too low a voltage and communication breaks down.

Solutions to try:
  1. Use a rear USB port on your computer, the front ports tends to have lower voltage (and generally be more problematic)
  2. Use a USB charger such as those for an iPod or SmartPhone
  3. Lodge a ticket if you continue to have problems