Connecting your Makerbot Digitizer 3D Scanner to your PC
It is important that you do things in the correct order to have your Makerbot Digitizer 3D Scanner connect to your computer and calibrate/function correctly
Before we begin
The Digitizer must be on a non-vibrating surface. We had one on a less than stable table next to a printing 3D printing which caused the table to vibrate and as a result calibration failed repeatedly. Once moved to a stable table we had no problems
Connection to the computer
1. Start with both the digitizer and computer must be turned off.
2. Connect your digitizer to computer through USB cable.
3. Turn on your computer and let it boot properly.
4. Turn on your digitizer and wait for two minutes.
5. Open Makerware for digitizer. Your computer should automatically recognize that the digitizer is connected to your computer. If it does not then
a) Go to the tool bar menu in Makerbot for Digizer and click SERVICES, then from the drop down STOP BACKGROUND SERVICES wait a few minutes then RESTART BACKGROUND SERVICES
Calibrating the scanner
Make sure the surface is flat and non-vibrating.
Follow the on screen instructions and make sure lighting conditions do not change during calibration (eh do not turn all the lights on/off half way through.
This process should take only a few minutes and then you are ready to scan.
Scanning tips
There are other articles to help you make the most of your scanner including :
Scanning shiny or reflective objects with the Makerbot Digitzer 3D Scanner